
3rd Annual PNC & VHCSF Luncheon

Save the Date! October 4, 2016

Featuring Todd Gerelds, author of

Woodlawn: One Hope, One Dream, One Way

Todd Gerelds, son of Legendary Alabama high school coach Tandy Gerelds, witnessed God’s transforming grace at Woodlawn and throughout his dad’s life. Todd is honored to tell the amazing story of redemption that happened at Woodlawn and changed countless lives forever.


The luncheon will be held at a Country Club in Vestavia Hills and tickets are on sale now. 


Sponsorship Opportunities

General Admission Ticket



General Admission Ticket with an Autographed Book



Premium Seating, VIP Reception & Personalized Autographed Book



Two Premium Seating tickets, VIP Reception, Personalized Autographed Book and Name in Program, Listing on Printed Materials



Five premium seating tickets, VIP reception, personalized 

autographed book and 1/4 page ad in program, logo listing on printed materials



Ten premium seating tickets, VIP reception, personalized autographed book and 1/2 page ad in program, logo listing on printed materials



Select Sponsorship Level

Choose Your Sposorship Level or Order Tickets Today