Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation Grants Report

(April 2018)

2017/2018 Grants- $72,542 (VHCSF Earnings)

·      Funds would provide 145 titles, 6 books of each title (levels A-Q) for A Guided Reading book room for the entire school to use at West.

·      Funds would provide 6-packs of 48 titled (A-D) text to only be used by West Kindergarten.

·      Funds would purchase the Lucy Calkins' Units of Reading and mentor texts for all grade levels at Cahaba Heights.

·      Funds would provide training workshops for the teachers on the Lucy Calkins' Units of Reading Curriculum at Cahaba Heights.

·      Funds would purchase teaching materials at the Cahaba Heights for the new MakerSpace room.

·      Funds would provide a 1-year subscription to ArtEd PRO.

·      Funds would provide 10 Retro Headsets to each of the ten 3rd grade classrooms at East.

·      Provide funds for the Leader In Me Initiative at Liberty Park Elementary.

·      Provide funds for the Leader In Me Initiative at Central.

·      Funds would purchase MakerSpace materials for the MakerSpace initiative at LPMS.

·      Funds would purchase Pizitz 8 sets of oxygen, carbon dioxide, gas sensors, gas chambers, and interfaces to allow us to use with our chromebooks.

·      The grant money would provide Pizitz 11 recording "studios" for creating podcasts.

·      Funds would provide StrenthsFinder Assessments and Instruction to all 2018 entering 9th Grade Cohort at VHHS.

·      Purchase Rebel1Tech University expenses for the Board of Education

·      Funds would purchase new ipad and carts to be shared between 5-6 classrooms.

·      Funds for summer professional development and DIY professional collaboration. Continue professional learning emphasis from the school year and plan, organize and execute summer district offerings.