
Grants are the primary way the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation is able to distribute funds from the endowment.  To date, the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation has provided to Vestavia Hills schools and the Board of Education over $1,043,976 in funds to support professional development, technology, and classroom enhancements.

In 2018-2019 school year, the Foundation was able to award grants totaling $110,600 to eight Vestavia Hills schools and the Vestavia Hills Board of Education.  Below we have listed the Grant Recipients for 2018-2019:

Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation 2018-2019 Grants

·        Provide funds for Creations Station for all K-5 Art & Music students in the VH school system

·        Support BOE with Rebel Tech Gear

·        Support BOE with funding for summer professional development

·        Provide funds for WEVideo subscription for VHCS 6-12 students and teachers

·        Purchase 50 iPads and cases for VHCS K-3 students and teachers

·        Provide funds to help fill a book room for VHEC and Dolly Ridge (145 titles, 6 books of each title.)

·        Purchase microscopes for 10-12th grade Science students

·        Purchase iPads for 10-12th grade Science and Physics students

·        Provide funds for supplies for “Let’s Get Crafty”

·        Provide funds for a Volcano Science Project for 6th and 8th grade Science students

·        Purchase Learning Gizmos-interactive online simulations for Math and Science

·        Provide funds for STEM Exploration, STEM Club, Science Olympiad

·        Purchase a Weather Balloon Launch with GoPro camera for LPMS

·        Support LPMS Recycling Program

·        Purchase a set of Chromebooks for LPMS Math students

·        Provide funds for the Leader In Me initiative for VHELP

·        Purchase new chrome book lab and cart for VHELP

·        Upgrade to Fountas and Pinnell Assessments kit for East

·        Professional Development for The Reading Institute for VHECH

·        Funds for Professional Learning Summit for VHECH

·        Provide book studies and Math manipulatives/ Number Corner program for West

·        Acquire books to accommodate K-5 students at VHEE, VHEDR, and VHEW Library